Multi-ary Trellis-Coded Modulation (TCM) schemes have been studied for use with digital radio communication systems. Among these TCM schemes, we have already reported the optimum signal constellation of a rate-3/4 trellis-coded (TC) 16-ary Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying (APSK) scheme and computed the minimum Euclidean distance: dfree. In this paper, we evaluate other performance parameters: Nfree and bit error rate (BER) over an additive white Gaussian noise channel, and further investigate the various signal constellations of rate-4/5 TC 32-APSK schemes. It is found that the BER performances of circular-type signal constellations are superior to that of rectangular-type in the TC 16-APSK, and a (24,8) circular type signal constellation is superior to other constellations in the TC 32-APSK.
In this paper, the performance of some communication systems using chaos synchronization is evaluated and compared. A new channel model taking the attenuation, impedance mismatch and noise into account, is proposed for the performance evaluation. The evaluation of bit error rate is done for both ideal and non-ideal conditions using the channel model. It is confirmed that some chaos-based communication systems have a good performance compared with conventional analog communication schemes.
The characteristics of the decision feedback carrier recovery loop (DFL) for conventional QPSK signaling is evaluated experimentally through measurements of the carrier-to-noise ratio of the regenerated carrier, lock range, acquisition waveforms and bit error rates. The results show that the DFL hardly exhibits inferiority to the ideal synchronization by designing the loop natural frequency adequately small. The DFL is shown superb in carrier tracking.
In this paper an analysis on the oversampling data recovery circuit is presented. The input waveform is assumed to be non-return-zero (NRZ) binary signals. A finite Markov chain model is used to evaluate the steady-state phase jitter performance. Theoretical analysis enables us to predict the input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) versus bit error rate (BER) of the oversampling data recovery circuit for various oversampling ratios. The more number of samples per single bit results in the better performance on BER at the same input SNR. To achieve 10-11 BER, 8 times oversampling has about 2 dB input signal penalty compared to 16 times oversampling. In an architectural choice of the oversampling data recovery circuit, the recovered clock can be updated in each data bit or in every multiple bits depending on the input data rate and input noise. Two different clock update schemes were analyzed and compared. The scheme updating clock in every data bit has about 1.5 dB penalty against the multiple bits (4 bits) clock updating scheme with 16 times oversampling in white noise dominant input data. The results were applied to the fabricated circuits to validate the analysis.
In this paper some new results for analog hardware realization of secure communication system using chaos synchronization have been presented. In particular the effect of the use of transmission line as channel has been considered assuming practical implementation. The influence of the loss of transmission line and mismatching on synchronization has been investigated in chaotic systems based on the Pecora-Carroll concept. It has been shown that desynchronization due to loss can be checked by using an amplifier with appropriate gain. Moreover the bit error rate (BER) has been evaluated in a digital communication system based on the principle of chaotic masking.
The final closed-form expression of the bit error rate (BER) is presented for a DS-CDMA system using a maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity in conjunction with simple channel coding over a Rician fading channel. The accuracy of the BER evaluated by this expression is verified through comparison with a semi-analytic simulation result. The effect of diversity order and channel coding on the bit error rate performance is also considered for typical multipath delay profiles with different Rician ratios.
Vehicular speed response phase locked loop (VSR-PLL) is a novel circuit to remove a steady-state frequency offset which arises in the receiver with directive antenna. In this paper, the circuit is applied to Ricean fading environment. For the application of VSR-PLL to Ricean statistics channel, the Doppler shift information of direct wave must be obtained because the self-oscillation frequency of VCO is controlled by using the information. This paper describes an estimation method for the Doppler shift of the direct wave, and shows the several results of the performance analysis for the estimation method and proposed VSR-PLL with the method. As a result, we found that the proposed VSR-PLL could reduce the irreducible bit-error rate for QPSK system from about 10-2 to 10-3 on several conditions.
This paper investigates the error rate performance of parallel combinatorial spread spectrum (PC/SS) communicaion systems that use coherent and differential multiphase modulation: multiphase parallel combinatorial spread spectrum (MPC/SS) communication systems. The PC/SS systems are multicode SS systems based on orthogonal pseudo-noise (PN) sequences. Data is transmitted by delivering a combination of multiple PN sequences among a set of pre-assigned PN sequences. In the MPC/SS systems, every PN sequence on transmission is modulated by q-ary coherent or differential phase shift keying (PSK). Symbol error rate (SER) and average bit error rate (BER) in coherent and differential MPC/SS systems are investigated. The BER comparison between the MPC/SS systems and simple multicode SS systems with q-ary coherent and differential PSK is also presented. Numerical results show that the MPC/SS systems are superior to the conventional q-ary PSK systems, if they have equal spectral efficiency.
Dugin LYU Yangsoo PARK Iickho SONG Hyung-Myung KIM
In this paper, we analyze the multiple access interference of a variable processing gain DS/CDMA system and define discrete partial crosscorrelation functions. We also evaluate the bit error rate of the system using Gaussian approximation and bounding technique. Three kinds of spreading codes (long, short, and random codes) are considered in the analysis of the system. It is shown that the bit error rate of a user is not relevant to the processing gain of interfering users: it is relevant only to the processing gain of the user, transmitted powers, PN sequences, and spreading codes. The performance of short codes turns out to be better than that of long and random codes as in other systems.
In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) considering tracking performance is evaluated, by theoretical analysis and computer simulation, for a bi-orthogonal system using a synchronizing pseudo-noise (PN) sequence and co-channel interference cancellers. A system that improves on Tachikawa's system is proposed. It is found that the optimum ratio of the information signal energy to the synchronizing signal energy varies with Eb/No, and the canceller is better for small L than for large L (L = length of the sequence). Moreover, it is found that the BER considering synchronization performance improvse as the equivalent noise bandwidth Bn decreases.
Tilt margins for disk and lens for a magneto-optical (MO) head were studied for designing a disk system for use with objective lenses having numerical apertures (NA) of 0.55, 0.60, and 0.65. The tilt margins were examined to determine the aberration characteristics of objective lenses and bit error rate (BER) by recording and reproducing signal. In preparing the optical head for testing disk and lens tilt margins, the aberrations were measured by image processing from the CCD area sensor for the spot image of the focused beam, and BER dependencies on the tilting of lens and disk were obtained at the velocity of the outer diameter of the MO disk at the bit rate of 80-Mbps (1, 7 code modulation) recording. According to the aberration and BER characteristics, the limitation for effective wavefront aberration would be 0.05λ rms, the tilt margins corresponded to BER limitation at the level of 3*10-5. The disk margins for NA=0.55, 0.6, and 0.65 were 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 degrees. The lens tilt margins for NA=0.55, 0.6, and 0.65 were 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 degrees.
A composite noise generator (CNG) is proposed for simulating the actual non-Gaussian noise and its applications are mentioned. Basing upon the actual measured result (APD) of induced noise from electric contact discharge arc, the APD is approximated by partial linearlization and shown that it can be simulated by a combination of plural Gaussian noise sources. Applying the CNG, quasi-peak (Q-P) detector is investigated and shown that the Q-P detector response is different for non-Gaussian noise when its time domain parameter is different even if its original APD is the same. For digital transmission error due to non-Gaussian noise, and for TV picture stained by the non-Gaussian noise, the CNG is applied to evaluate their performances and quality. The results obtained show that the CNG can be used as a standard non-Gaussian generator for several immunity tests for information equipments.
A Trellis-Coded 8PSK (TCM) modem has been developed. This modem can transmit HDTV programs at a bit rate of 60Mbps over a satellite channel. In addition to Trellis coding, the (255, 235) Reed-Solomon code is adopted together with an interleaving technique to improve bit error performance. As a result, it has been confirmed that bit error rate of 10-10 is achievable at a carrier to noise ratio of around 8.5dB over a 30MHz Gaussian noise channel. This TCM modem is also designed to double as a DQPSK modem. We examined the performances of these two modulation methods in a nonlinear channel. It was found that TCM is less disturbed than DQPSK by nonlinear distortion due to TWT. In addition, a limiter amplifier cascaded to TWT improves DQPSK performance and disturbs TCM performance. However it was confirmed that TCM still has a coding gain of 3dB over DQPSK.
Chun Sum NG Tjeng Thiang TJHUNG Fumiyuki ADACHI
The effect of intersymbol interference resulting from non-matched receiver filtering on the bit error rate (BER) performance of π/4-DQPSK systems recently adopted in the North American and Japanese digital cellular standards, is analyzed in Rayleigh fading. With a Gaussian or a Butterworth (of order N, 2N10) receiver filter, the BER performance is found to degrade by only a small fraction of a decibel from the performance with ideally matched receiver filters. A 4th-order Butterworth receiver filter leads to BER curves which almost coincide with those of the ideally matched filtering condition.